A father's way to reach his son! Tom Crestodina's amazing drawings


A father's way to reach his son! Tom Crestodina's amazing drawings - Free Ship Plans

by Captain · February 24, 2015

boat drawings tom crestodina maritime art
Few days ago, i found a message in my inbox saying “Hey! You might like my site with boat cutaways.” And when i checked the site my first reaction was “I want them!”. This is how i met Tom Crestodina and after a short conversation, i learned the sweet story behind his drawings and thought i had to share it with you. But before, lets meet Tom and learn his story by his own words.
fishing boat drawings tom crestodina
“I am Tom Crestodina, commercial fisherman and artist. I live in Bellingham Washington with my wife and son, Franio. I have been fishing in Southeast Alaska for about twenty years.  Have been drawing all my life, but I made mostly realistic pictures in black and white until my son was born in 2008. I took a couple of years off after that, and when I returned to fishing, I missed him so much that it was like physical pain. I wanted to write to him, but he was three then, so he couldn’t read yet. I decided to draw a cutaway of the boat I was working on to conenct with him and show him what I was doing. 
alaskan crab boat drawing tom crestodina
I studied Marine Engineering at the Seattle Maritime academy years ago, and when I began this series I began getting excited about sharing my passion for boats with these pictures. But I also wanted to tell funny little human stories that would make people smile.
 As a result, the pictures are intended combine several purposes. They are technical drawings, caricatures of boats and people, experiments in color blending, comic strips, and educational illustrations all at once.”
pirate ship drawing tom crestodina
I really liked the little details on his drawings which give little funny clues about life onboard or funny fiction. Take a closer look at the radar and you’ll see it’s written “Franio” instead of the brand “Furuno”.
tom crestodina marine drawings
What i can tell you Tom is that Franio is a very lucky son!
tugboat drawing tom crestodina

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