Sea History 085 - Summer 1998

8 THE CAPE HORN ROAD, PART XV. Britain Keeps the Sea and Contains European Militarism for the 100 Years of the Pax Britannica by Peter Stanford • 16 THE OPSAIL 2000 OFFICIAL PORTS, PART III. Miami: In the Wake of the Santiago by Capt. Joseph Maggio • 19 OpSail Miami 2000 by Kim Droze • 21 MUSEUM OF THE ISSUE. Independence Seaport Museum: Interpreting the Port of Philadelphia by Donald A. Wambold, Jr. • 24 The Value of Sail Training for Adults: A Week Aboard the Frigate Rose by Bruce Carruthers • 28 NMHS Sails with Endeavour by Peter Stanford & Justine Ahlstrom • 30 THE NELSON ERA. The Battle of the Nile: Europe at Crossroads by RADM Joseph F. Callo, USNR (Ret.) • 36 MARINE ART. The Search for the Spirit by Robin Brooks • 42 The Sailor's Wife Ashore by Joan Druett • 46 The Dream of a People: Building a Basque Fishing Trainera by Muriel Curtis • 49 The Tragic Loss of the Maria Assumpta: What Went Wrong by CDR Morin Scott, RN (Ret.)

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