Plan Bingo – A Free Boat Design

Here’s a nifty little multipurpose 11’ 4” dinghy that can be used for sailing, rowing, or out-boarding. Weighing just 85 lbs. and able to float in a mud puddle, Bingo makes a great little fishing or pleasure boat that can be tossed in the back of a pickup. With her flat bottom she should be stable and able to navigate small creeks and shallow backwaters where $10,000 bass boats fear to go.

[Text Continued]…mastMouldings are ¾” x 1”, rounded, protect the sheer edges and are fastened in place with 1 ½” No. 8 screws spaced 8 “ apart.  The floor consists of 3/8” x 3 3/8” boards screw fastened to the bottom ribs—seven widths being sufficient.

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